Here's a little recap and update:
March was a spring break trip to Arkansas with most of the Jones sibs and also an initial contact on a possible job opportunity for Joe out of state.
April brought Easter, a visit to this new church's Good Friday service, news that we were pregnant and then very soon after confirmation that we miscarried.
May brought an interview at the Indiana church, good times with family, house searching, lots of praying and trusting the Lord in these various ups and downs.
June brought us to the point of listing our home - having a showing everyday during the first week of listing - then a lull and a lot of fear in me, then a trip to Taylor University for summer camp and then the right family came through the house while we were gone and put in an offer. So we went under contract on our IL house while out of state (in IN), came home and put in an offer on a home in Indiana while back in Illinois (oh the irony!) :) And went under contract on that home.
July brought inspections in both homes, a reunion with my closest college friends, a little vacay with Joe for my birthday and celebrations with family for said birthday. I TURNED 30...............ahhhhhh.
No really it's not that bad, I'm just being dramatic.
Through this whole process, the good, the bad, the ugly, I have just had to come back time and time again to the faithfulness of the Lord in providing for us every step of the way through comfort during pain, clarity and wisdom in decision making, opening doors for buying and selling within days of each other, in giving real peace in the midst of big and hard choices for our future. He's been there and guiding us every step of the way. Why do I ever doubt? What a great reminder for me as we move forward and take yet another leap of faith.
I'm not a big blogger, I just do some now and then and try to keep up with friends through it, so I know I won't be missed, but I am definitely going on a hiatus through this season of moving out and moving in but I will try to keep up with instagram and facebook, so you won't miss me too much ;)
Pray for us if you think of it as we transition jobs and houses and all of that. We will miss our little home on Illinois St and our church and family and friends and yet we are so excited for this new opportunity and the new people we will meet and serve alongside at the church.