Wednesday, November 3, 2010

November = Thankful

A friend of mine is posting things she is thankful for each day and encouraged her friends to do the same...So here I go.

I am stressed with house, loan and moving stuff - it is becoming very overwhelming. And I'm very tired with working these 10 hour + days and not having many evenings to recover and not getting enough sleep for what I need.
So with that said...I am off tomorrow (the only perk of working four-10 hour days...)
and I'm so thankful to have Thursday to be with Joe, sleep in (hopefully), pack up more, figure out any remaining loan details and cuddle on the couch with Molly who is staying with us for 2 weeks while my parents are out of the country.

*Also, could you pray for safety for my parents as they travel and that despite the fact that my dad will be teaching for a week, that it will be a restful and renewing time for them since the last two weeks have been really crazy for them with three deaths of my dad's church people. So that not only meant 3 funerals for my dad, but three personal losses - just a big toll on them physically and emotionally.


  1. Lots of stuff going on...praying for you! Enjoy a day of rest

  2. I hope you get to sleep in and have a refreshing, great day off. Love you:)

  3. where did they go? wish I could help you pack and move...

  4. they are in hungary and romania
    thanks guys :) :)
