Saturday, November 6, 2010

23 Weeks!

How far along? 23 weeks!

How am I feeling? Good! had a bad cold, but am on the mend and feeling pretty normal.

Movement: Getting a lot more regular and normal feeling to me. I think I saw movement from the outside for the first time yesterday. Not entirely sure but my stomach isn't known to move on its own!

Doctor’s Appointment? Had one yesterday - it was confirmed that March 4 is my due date and that everything from the appt and from my ultrasound looks great. PTL!

Workouts? I was walking Molly this a.m. just around the block and found a halloween candy bag of M&M's in my pocket and naturally started eating them. Then a lady ran by me and I'm laughing to myself...oh the life and norms of a pregnant lady... :)

Sleep? Sleeping ok without the cold. Can't really sleep on my back at all anymore. So I'm doing side sleeping with a body pillow mostly

Weight Gain? I think I'm around 10-12 lbs since maybe 10-12 weeks since that was my lowest weight point.

Baby Preparation? Not much, just trying to get ready to move!

Likes/Dislikes? Craving snack pack jello, soft pretzels and turkey sandwiches and fruit and juice still too

Milestones: Baby is over a pound and over 10 inches long!!

With all that said, I'm thankful today for this little one. Took us a little while to get to this point and it's just made us all the more thankful to be here. We know and trust that God is in control of this little life and ours and everyones. We just want to rest in that and know that no matter what happens, He will see us through it.

22 week pics

23 week photos - event Friday night at Hotel Arista


  1. Ohhh I want to touch that belly. I hope I get to see you before March 4!!! Sorry that I comment on every post. People probably think I'm obsessed with you. I'm not, but I do love you:)

  2. So cute!!! I think I have gained about 15-pounds since the very beginning. Didn't gain much if any during the First Trimester. Love your blog updates! Happy Sunday!

  3. Oh I wish I could come and see you and your cute belly! Love that jean dress on you

  4. ...brings tears to my eyes seeing you far we've come from days long ago :)
