I started this last week and never got to upload the pics - so here it is a tad late without the pics :)
Hope you all had a nice Valentine's day! We aren't big participants in the "holiday" but we still got each other little gifts and it was a special evening - we watched a movie and I made a big steak dinner, party potatoes, corn and salad! So that was nice.
Also, my 37 week appt was yesterday as well. The Dr. said I was just over 1 cm dialated and 70% effaced. So sounds like good progress. I just told her I can't go this week while my parents are out of the country!! Having a little hand/foot swelling but not much. She only noticed bc of my sock line...
She said it'd go away right after birth...and the weight too.....haha
37 Week update:
How am I feeling? Good overall.
Movement: The movement is so different than in the 20-30 week range. I think just because the baby is so big. It's more like the baby will jut out of my stomach or I'll see him or her shift from the right side of my belly to the left or see a butt sticking out, etc. Very odd! And higher rib kicks now too.
Doctor’s Appointment? Appt was good. Baby's heart beat was 140. My belly was 38 cm, I'm over 1 cm dialated and 70% effaced. so far, so good.
Sleep? Having to get up 3-5 times a night, which is no easy task. Still can't find an easy way to get up or roll over at night. It's always an uncomfortable process! I actually take a break rolling from the left side to my right side and hang out there on my back for a little...I've even fallen asleep that way even though it's not comfortable...geesh :)
Weight Gain? 25 pounds
Baby Preparation? Washing clothes, getting the room settled. Not too easy, just takes time. But it's been a lot of fun to see it all coming together. So thankful for all the wonderful gifts. Baby Jones is already so blessed, even before making his or her appearance!
Likes/Dislikes? Getting some heart burn with heavier/spicer foods. Just at night, of course....
Milestones: Baby should be around 6.3 lbs and 19 inches (unless mine is bigger or smaller) but that is average for this stage. Lungs should be fully developed, which is awesome. So we're just awaiting the arrival of this little one and praying he or she is healthy!!