Wednesday, February 2, 2011

35 Weeks and Snowed In!!!

This weather has been absolutely insane!! We actually had some company who came last night (yes, they are crazy and they brought extra clothes...hmmmmm) so surprise, surprise, they were literally snowed in last night. They stayed over and left this afternoon after the boys shoveled out the buried cars and after we all went for a walk and then came home for hot chocolate and to warm up. What an adventure!
Last night was CRAZY. We had to rope our porch windows closed but we STILL had a porch full of snow and drifts in the driveway taller than us. It was NO visibility everytime I looked out last night. We had branches down, but fortunately did not lose power like my in-laws did!

Here are some photos!!

YES, they jumped off this and into the snow.....


  1. Hope you enjoyed yourselves today! We are starting to get cabin fever over here. I think we got hit the hardest... I have never seen snow like this before. Ready for things to get back to normal. :)

  2. i love that you have pictures of where i grew up! :)
