Thursday, January 27, 2011

35 weeks!

Well, I'm 35 weeks tomorrow! I'm almost into my ninth month and the baby is almost considered "Full Term!" Very thankful for that.
Still amazed that we have made it this far. Just a few more weeks to go, Lord willing!

Had a pipe issue last night with the piping from the basement to the outside spicket, but Pops Jones came and shut it off for me (Joe was at church all night) - was running around like a mad woman because there was water running down our house.....eeks.
Never a dull moment in home ownership I suppose!

Have some recipes to share - will try to post them tomorrow or soon! (Carmel turtle cheesecake, monkey bread and beef stew - yum!)

I'm stinking at taking pictures and I haven't been too photogenic these days either - maybe its because my face looks fuller and I feel like I have a double chin?? Oh well.
Caution - if you don't want to see a pregnant belly, don't go any further!
Cause here it is in all it's glory!!
My poor belly button - though still an "Innie," it's getting pushed to its limits!!


  1. oh I love it! Thanks for sharing:) You look great

  2. Love the photos! You should definitely take more... You are all belly, just like me! I bet it's a BOY! :)

  3. so cute!!!!! :) that's how a pregnant lady is supposed to look ;) "stinkin'" cute!
