Monday, January 17, 2011

33.5 week appointment

How am I feeling? Pretty good overall. Just not sleeping as well as I would like. Peeing too much, some back pain, hard to roll over and get out of bed at night...the usual I guess!

Movement: Still lots of movement - feeling more up at the top closer to my ribs - which makes sense since the Dr. confirmed the head is down. That is GOOD news!!

Doctor’s Appointment? Had my 2 week appt today: Everything is looking good. Heart beat is 135, I am measuring right and weight is good I guess!

Sleep? Doing my best, want to go to bed earlier than I's tough!

Weight Gain? 20 pounds

Baby Preparation? Not much in the last couple weeks. Looking forward to my showers that begin on January 29, so then I can hopefully get settled and have everything moved in and ready to go at least a week or two before the baby comes, eeks!

Likes/Dislikes? no real dislikes, just trying not too eat anything too acidic for fear of heartburn, but so far so good.

Milestones: Baby is over 4 lbs and 17 inches! WOW


  1. So cute!!! Getting closer... Can't wait for you to have your Baby Showers! They are so fun! :)

  2. This little one is going to be here before we know it! So exciting.

  3. Looking good Mrs Jones! Can't WAIT to see you in person:)
